VBECS - Counselling Centre

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VBECS Counselling Centre

Mental health is an integral part of health and is more than the absence of mental illnesses. At our counselling centres, we provide an atmosphere that promotes healthy living and encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyles.

VBECS - Counselling Centre

Mental health is an integral part of health and is more than the absence of mental illnesses. At our counselling centres, we provide an atmosphere that promotes healthy living and encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyles. The counselling focuses on eradicating the cause of the problem rather than just reducing the symptoms, and combines Yoga to promote healing and rehabilitation.

The traditional technique of Learning and Teaching through dialogue, ancient techniques of Sravana (listening and reading) – Manana (deep state of thinking or contemplation)- Nidhidhayasana (profound and repeated meditation), the reasoning approach to intellectual problems through debate (Tharka Shastra), Upanishads in the form of dialogue between Master(Guru) and Disciple(Shishya) are well famed.


  1. The goal of every Indian philosophy is to banish distress, sorrow, and misery. Modern and contemporary methods which are tested effectively are also being integrated along with traditional methodologies. Since its inception, we have been successful in counselling and rehabilitating thousands from behavioural issues, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Addiction, Lifestyle issues, family counselling, pre-marital counselling, old-age counselling, child counselling etc.
  2. Integrated Counselling and root cause solutions to problems.
  3. Integrating the Indian and non-Indian ways.
  4. Features of Indian strategies of Problem Solving.
VBECS - Counselling Centre